Language : English and Mandarin. This book is a compilation of five of Ikeda Sensei’s motivating Gosho lectures from the Study Lecture Series, ‘The Buddhism of the Sun – Illuminating the World: To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division’. Addressed to members of the youth division, the lecture ...Read more

To My Dear Friend of the Youth Division

$8.00 each
Availability of item: Available
Product code: BKCE001500

Language : English and Mandarin. This book is a compilation of five of Ikeda Sensei’s motivating Gosho lectures from the Study Lecture Series, ‘The Buddhism of the Sun – Illuminating the World: To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division’. Addressed to members of the youth division, the lectures are just as relevant and inspirational for all other divisions, featuring Sensei’s invaluable, empowering and practical guidance on the topics – Courage, Invincible Spirit, Successors, Humanism and Kosen-rufu. Published by SGS.

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