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The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace - Kosen-rufu and World Peace (Part 3)

SKU: The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace - Kosen-rufu and World Peace (Part 3)

SKU: ESGK000905

Regular price $12.00 SGD
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This book is the third and final part of the new edition of Selected Excerpts of President Ikeda’s Guidance: The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace. It is titled Kosen-Rufu and World Peace. The entire series was compiled after Ikeda Sensei had completed The New Human Revolution in 2018.  It contains the official guidance from the vast array of Sensei’s guidance that have been delivered over the past decades.  This new edition has been expanded, edited and re-categorized.

There are 11 chapters in this book, starting from Chapter 21 to 31, which touch on the essence of the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.  The topics covered include A Life Dedicated to Kosen-rufu; The Mission and Vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth; The Mentor-Disciple Relationship is the Heart of the Soka Gakkai; A Religion That Exists for People’s Happiness; The Future Division – The Treasure of the Soka Gakkai; The Great Path to World Peace and Conclusion: Towards the Future.   

In the Preface of the book, Ikeda Sensei writes:

“Let us, therefore, ‘encourage each other and advance together’ as we continue on our journey to propagate the Mystic Law into the eternal future of the Latter Day of the Law!

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than if this book provides encouragement and sustenance to Soka Gakkai members everywhere as they proceed along that path.”

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